International College of Makeni (ICOM)

Event Main

  • Start Date 03/03/2024
  • Start Time 08:00 AM
  • End Date 03/03/2024
  • End Time 12:00 PM
  • Location Makama, Makeni

In an exciting event that marks the annual prize giving of the International College of Makeni (ICOM), our distinguished District Council Chairman of Bombali, Dr Mohamed Mark Barbah Sisay, has glowed the minds of pupils that it is only through education that the poor can transform into becoming significant players in the country’s economy.

Alluding to this year’s theme, ” Combined efforts towards an endless journey of excellence”, the District Chairman says fits into the context of a country that is struggling with so many challenges in the education sector and one that requires the concerted efforts of all stakeholders to be achieved.

Dr MMB expressed immense honour for the opportunity to address the prestigious gathering at the invite of the International College of Makeni. He underscored the need for stakeholders to skew the school curricular or co-curricular towards a model that embraces knowledge in diverse forms that better position students with life survival skills to enhance effective competition in the global world.

The District Chairman craved Government leaders, administrators, parents and other stakeholders to support students and to remove all barriers to education. ” At the core of our interventions must be the investment towards developing the next generation of young leaders”. Dr MMB expressed.

On the other hand, students are urged to play their part by unleashing their intellectual potential so they can adequately optimize the benefits of education. ” We must inculcate strong leadership values and a sense of responsibility among future leaders of our society”. The District Council Chairman avowed.

Learning, he says is a lifelong enriching journey. And that students are the founders of the future and the beacon of hope for the betterment of the world. Adding that luck is a combination of opportunities and preparedness.

He underpinned the significance of being bold, brave and need to be courageous as one continues to pursue their dreams.

Talent alone, he says cannot guarantee academic excellence and achievement; it needs to be coupled with values such as discipline and respect, which necesisate focus on the right goal.

Awardees were exceedingly hailed and honoured for their exceptional performance. Dr MMB encouraged the awardees to step up the spirit of hard work. He underscored that the awards are meant to motivate best performers, so non-recipients can aim higher in their academic pursuance.

Conferring awards and certificates on best performers helps students to unleash their true potential towards becoming responsible citizens of the world. And that staff members are equally enthused to take the school to greater heights.

The District Council Chairman alluded to the philosophical concept of Martha C. Nussbaum, who perceives “Education as the engine of human development”. He furthered that the benefits of education could only be reaped if their is a concerted effort and the role of stakeholders is appreciated in the value chain.

He maintained that the current education system must be one that creates endless opportunities for the teeming population ahead. Dr MMB expressed concern over the judicious use of modern technology, citing the need to arbitrate the pros and cons whilst using the facility.

He called on the administration and staff of ICOM school to imbibe an attribute of a good leadership; which he says entails the ability to look forward, set objectives, mobilize resources,.d ploy resources optimally and set on a path to achieve positive results.

The District Council Chairman reminded all that individuals score goals and team wins games. Urging for the need to build wining teams. “If you want to walk fast, walk alone, but it’s f you want to go far, walk with others”. He quoted an African proverb.

Bombali District Council as a responsible institution, he said, has a social obligation to effectively participate in the national development process in whatever way possible. He underscored the need to forge partnerships with like-minded institutions.

He concluded by congratulating the awardees for their exceptional performance and heartily conveyed words of commendation in respect of the victory the school has achieved.